What is behind the 7 steps?

After the following 7 steps, which are also often mentioned in the literature, we chose our company name. They present the steps for a holistic implementation of a new process and are therefore applicable to many topics.

Strategy & Vision

A company’s strategy forms the basis of all business activities and is decisive for the asset and earnings situation. We attribute the same importance to the sustainability strategy. Well designed, it reflects the culture of the company and strategically points to the future. This is based on the available resources of the company, taking into account all framework conditions, laws and opportunities and risks.

We help you to reconcile economic, ecological and social goals. For this we offer special strategy and future workshops.

step 1

Framework conditions

In order to achieve the goals, the framework conditions must be defined in order to be able to actively tackle them. This means defining a timetable and action plan and getting an overview of the necessary resources. We are happy to support you here and create a cost and personnel plan for the upcoming projects with you. In addition, we advise you on the legal framework and standards that apply to you as well as the appropriate certifications for your company.

step 2

Identification of the stakeholders and the material issues

All common reporting standards and the CSR Guidelines Implementation Act define a standard for the materiality analysis in their reporting framework.
This means that companies determine their key sustainability issues based on two dimensions:

It is essential for a company to have a relationship with its internal and external stakeholders. This is the only way to recognize and implement the different expectations placed on you. It is therefore important for both internal stakeholders (equity providers, employees, works council, management) and external stakeholders (lenders, customers, suppliers, service providers, competitors, associations, politics, state, society and media).

Through the findings of this analysis and its integration into the company’s activities, you can secure the “license-to-operate” in the long term, i. H. the social acceptance of your company and your business model.

With our experience, we are happy to support you in your stakeholder dialogue and the preparation of a materiality analysis.

step 3

Data Collection and Analysis

Generating activity data for measuring sustainability in the company is usually a challenge at the beginning, since the IT structure and process management are not designed for the control of non-financial key figures. Conventionally, meter readings, invoices, questionnaires, online surveys, business trip calculations and information from suppliers are used in the first step. This is very tedious, especially if it is not just one location, but several locations across national borders.

Here we make the process easier for you by developing a suitable format for organizing and coordinating your data.

step 4

Creation of concrete measures and key figures

The CSR Directive Implementation Act provides five sustainability perspectives in reporting.

Key figures are derived from the sustainability goals in order to check whether the goals have been met. Key figures ensure that the defined goals are comprehensible and measurable and that they are operationalized. The key figure portfolio is individual for each company, as different sustainability activities are important depending on the industry and orientation.

In this step, we are at your side and work with you to design a key figure system that suits you.

step 5


Sustainability reports are an important communication tool and their internal and external impact is often underestimated. A company that goes through the process of reporting begins to develop a broad understanding of sustainability. In addition, a report creates transparency and comparability, which makes corporate activities more comprehensible and thus creates a broader basis of trust among internal and external stakeholders.

Due to the new legislation, many companies have been obliged to report. However, it is also worthwhile for companies that are not yet subject to the CSR Directive Implementation Act to make a sustainability statement, because the awarding of orders is increasingly dependent on the sustainability performance/performance.

Sustainability reporting is one of our core businesses. Thanks to our experience, we are process companions and sparring partners in terms of content and thus guarantee that your report meets the requirements of common reporting standards such as GRI and DNK.

step 6

Process optimization

The task of sustainability management is to strive for a continuous improvement process. As described in the root of the word, it is not only necessary to implement the implemented measures and goals, but also to “follow up” and constantly improve them.

In this step of the process, we work with the common digital tools to rethink the processes with you, tighten your goals and possibly adjust strategies.

step 7

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