Strategy development and tailored action planning

The supreme discipline of sustainability management

With the development of your sustainability strategy and a targeted planning of measures, you create the basis for the conceptual, organizational and operational realignment of your company. Effective sustainability management brings all relevant subject areas together and realigns them (see diagram).

Development of a sustainability strategy

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Through a holistic analysis, we determine the best way for you to get from the “current state” to the realization of your company’s strategic goals. We relate the sustainability and company analysis to each other in order to identify the operational gaps.

Based on this, we develop individual fields of action for the creation of action plans as well as a “target/actual” comparison, for example by reflecting the results on the main topics, e.g. the GRI or DNK Index. In the course of the gap analysis, we also measure the extent to which your company already fulfills the selected reporting standard.

Strategy workshops & definition of fields of action

We will be by your side and guide you through the process. With an analysis of the environment or surveys, we will give you a clear picture of your company, including the various needs of your relevant stakeholders.

As soon as we have jointly set the goals for your individual fields of action, we will proceed designing suitable key figures and action plans tailored to your company.

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