
We aim to offer you, our clients, holistic sustainability consulting and to guide you in your transformation process.

This is what we stand for


The success of our customers brings us success.


In 7 steps we guide your company in your sustainable transformation and support you in the development of innovation potential.


Every company, small or large, is participating in the transformation towards a more sustainable society.

Our team

We are a passionate team with diverse backgrounds and experience from all areas of sustainability management. A team that makes the world a little bit better with its work.

What is behind the 7 steps?

The 7 steps of sustainability management are familiar to us from theory and can be applied to all implementation processes.


Das Partnernetzwerk von 7stepssolution

SDG 17 – Partnerships to achieve the goals

Global challenges require global, joint efforts. That is why we have built a structure on which we can rely for their expertise and expand our capacities at any time.

Contact us

To contact us, you can either fill out the contact form or make a appointment directly:
