Stakeholder management and materiality analysis

Bild von einem Laptop mit einem Kennzahlen Dashboard zur visualisierung von Stakeholdermanagement und Wesentlichkeit
Photo by Carlos Muza on Unsplash

The materiality analysis as a basis

With the instrument of the materiality analysis, you get to know the stakeholder groups of the company better and determine their needs. Based on these essential issues, we develop your strategy that is consistent with all stakeholders. In this way, you can better filter out relevant topics in the future and align your strategy with them in the long term. A materiality analysis is also essential in order to fulfill the reporting obligation and to implement sustainability management.

Stakeholder dialogue

The stakeholders’ expectations of your company can differ from group to group and therefore need to be clustered. With our stakeholder analysis, we can support you with the following topics:

By surveying and mapping the stakeholders and their wishes, the requirements that are placed on your company can be effectively worked out.

This gives you information about:

Source: 7stepssolution
Grafik über die Priorisierung von Themen. Vertikale Ebene externe Perspektive und horizontale Ebene interne Perspektive. Oben Rechts sind die Themen mit der höchsten Priorität.
Source: 7stepssolution

Different perspectives

The materiality analysis can help you to assess your economic, ecological and social impact in order to achieve improvements in sustainability and future viability of your company.

Such an analysis is the basis for:

Analysis of the internal and external view:

Part of the materiality analysis is questioning your primary stakeholders regarding their needs. The results of the survey are summarized in a matrix in order to compare the needs of your internal and external stakeholders.

Analysis of business relevance and impact:

This part of the materiality analysis depicts how certain sustainability issues affect the company from the outside and how the company itself influences them from the inside – shown in the exemplary diagram. In general, one speaks of the outside-in and inside-out perspective:

Source: 7stepssolution

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