
We offer various free webinars to give you an easy introduction to all topics relating to sustainable corporate management. You can also find an overview of the events where you can find us here.

Forum for Sustainable Transformation: Sustainability and brand as a success factor

Under the motto “Act today. Lead tomorrow.” we are jointly exploring the role of sustainability as a success factor for companies and brands. Together with the design agency SCHUMACHER – Brand + Interaction Design GmbH and our joint network, we are delighted to invite you to a day full of inspiring impulses and networking. Interested companies can find out how sustainability aspects can help them to position themselves as a sustainable company and fulfil legal requirements. The multi-layered concept of sustainability is filled with concrete content at the Sustainable Transformation Forum.

Date: Thursday, 15 May 2025
09:00 – 17:00 Programme, networking and
Closing until 19:00
Jagdschloss Kranichstein, Kranichsteiner Straße 253,
64289 Darmstadt

Why take part?

This event focuses on the question of how sustainability can be utilised as a key success factor for your company. How can we help you to position yourself as an attractive, future-proof company and fulfil legal requirements? We offer you a platform to expand your knowledge, exchange experiences and make valuable contacts.

What can you expect?

  • Inspiring presentations: Sustainability experts provide information on new legal framework conditions and opportunities that arise for your company through a sustainable orientation
  • Green networking: Network with experts and companies that are actively promoting sustainability in their organisations. Exchange experiences and find opportunities for cooperation.


  • Inspiring keynote speakers
  • Exciting impulses on topics such as: sustainability and brand, legal changes, market positioning, digitalisation and sustainability, report review from an auditor’s perspective
  • Time for networking and exchange

Who is this event for?

  • Entrepreneurs and managing directors
  • Sustainability managers
  • Brand managers
  • Consultants and service providers in the field of sustainability

Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of the change and lead the sustainable transformation in your industry. We are waiting for you!

Symposium: Nachhaltigkeit in Lieferketten

Das Symposium “Nachhaltigkeit in Lieferketten” findet am 12.11.2024 von 11:00 bis 16:00 Uhr in Frankfurt am Main statt.

Was bedeutet die Umsetzung der CSDDD für mein Unternehmen? Wie kann ich meine Organisation optimal darauf vorbereiten? Und kann ich den LkSG-Bericht in die CSRD-Berichterstattung integrieren?
All diese Fragen und viele weitere werden unsere renommierten Speaker aus den Bereichen Recht, Beratung, Finance und Industrie bei unserem exklusiven Symposium erläutern.

Was erwartet Sie?

Eine spannende Podiumsdiskussion mit unseren Experten sowie die Möglichkeit zum anschließenden Networking.

Sie wollen am Workshop teilnehmen?

Freuen Sie sich auf verschiedene Perspektiven, Praxisbeispiele und Diskussionen mit führenden Experten – Ulf Wohlers, Dr. Berenike Wiener, Dr. Stefan Altenschmidt, LL.M. (Nottingham), Nicole Bittlingmayer, Dr. André Große Vorholt, Georg M. Brandmeier, LL.M., Michael Schmidt, CFA.

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Your contact to us

To contact us, you can either fill out the contact form or make an appointment directly:

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